Current version
The current version of Acycle is v2.8
Released 2023-10-19
v2.8 What's new
1. NEW: Data transformations.
Specific columns of the dataset can be modified utilizing various straightforward functions: Standardize, Normalize, Logarithm, Exponential, Reciprocal; Root, and Angular transformations.
Appreciation is extended to Prof. Zhengtang Guo for his invaluable suggestions.
2. NEW: Column manipulate.
Designated columns from the chosen datasets can be combined using a specified weight.
Special thanks to Prof. Zhengtang Guo for his invaluable suggestions.
3. NEW: Moving Average - Fixed Bandwidth.
Inspired by STATNARY: Mean and variance evolution of unevenly spaced time series by Prof. Michael Schulz
Thanks to Prof. Zhengtang Guo for his suggestions. Thanks to Prof. Michael Schulz for
4. Amplitude Modulation:
Use Hilbert transformation to extract envelope
5. Hilbert transformation:
Gauss filter, Cheby1, Ellip, and Butter fiters: Use Hilbert transformation to extract envelope
v2.7 What's new
1. COCO: Save the correct COCO figure; use the invpretile function to calculate percentiles;
2. eCOCO: Save data in an Excel file;
3. Curve Fitting: estimate the optimal span using the Generalized Cross-Validation (GCV) method;
4. Japanese version is ready (Thank Prof. Masayuki Ikeda);
5. CENOGRID (Westerhold et al., 2020, Science, doi: 10.1126/science.aba6853);
6. Dynamic filter: bug-free;
7. Insolation/astronomical solutions: debug. Start from 0. Thanks, Lucas Lourens!
8. Undatable: Age-depth modeling in Matlab. Thank Lougheed, B. C. and Obrochta, S. P. for permission.
9. Prof. Graham Weedon's SWA method included! Thank Graham!
10. MTM + SWA method (NEW)
11. Principal Component: language debug
Acycle 2.8 MatLab version
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Standalone versions
Acycle v2.8 for macOS [via Dropbox , Baidu Cloud
MatLab Runtime R2020b (9.9) Intel 64-bit for macOS
*: This software is a stand-alone program. It was tested in the Mac OS Ventura (13.4).
**: MatLab runtime 2020b (free) is essential for the Acycle stand-alone software version 2.8.
Acycle v2.8 for Windows [via Dropbox , Baidu Cloud
MatLab Runtime R2020b (9.9) 64-bit for Windows
*: This software is a stand-alone program. It was tested in Windows 10.
**: MatLab runtime 2020b (free) is essential for the Acycle stand-alone software version 2.8.
Download Users' Guide
More information: Users' Guide.
更多详情: 用户指南中文版.
Download Acycle Paper
Li et al., 2019 Computers & Geosciences